Early Care & Education
Early Care and Education- Birth Through Three (ECE-BT3) is a new initiative designed to strengthen child care for LA County infants and toddlers. In 2021, there were 610,456 children under the age of 5 in Los Angeles County, yet licensed centers and family child care homes only have the capacity to serve 13 percent of working parents with infants and toddlers. ECE-BT3 is a comprehensive strategy focused on increasing the capacity of the early care and education (ECE) system to care for infants and toddlers, as well as strengthening the skills of the workforce providing infant and toddler care. Key activities include:
Infant/Toddler Facility Fee Waivers: ECE-BT3 Fee Waivers are available to child care providers who would like to construct or renovate child care facilities to serve infants and toddlers. Fees incurred to child care providers by the Los Angeles County Departments of Regional Planning, Public Works – Health and Safety and Fire are covered by this program. For more information, see attached Facility Fee Waiver Flyer.
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer ENGLISH
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer ESPAÑOL (Spanish)
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer 한글 (Korean)
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer 中文 (Chinese)
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer Հայերեն (Armenian)
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer Русский (Russian)
Infant/Toddler Expansion Resources: In partnership with Public Counsel, ECE-BT3 provides training and coaching to ECE providers who would like to expand their programs to serve additional infants and toddlers. To view the Infant and Toddler Expansion Toolkit, click here.
Infant/Toddler Training for ECE Providers: In Fall 2023, ECE-BT3 will launch a free professional development series for current and emergent infant and toddler child care providers. Visit here to view current professional development opportunities. In Summer 2024, ECE-BT3 will release, “Caring for LA’s Youngest Learners: A Professional Development Guide for Early Educators Who Care for Infants and Toddlers” This user-friendly guide for infant and toddler professional development opportunities is currently being designed in collaboration with the Los Angeles Education Partnership (LAEP), the Child Care Planning Committee, and Quality Start LA.
ECE-BT3 is funded through the generous support of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. If you have any questions or would like additional information about ECE-BT3, please contact Elizabeth Jacoby at ejacoby@ph.lacounty.gov.
The LA County Early Care and Education (ECE) Facility Development Project is led by the LA County Department of Public Health – Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education (OAECE) and the LA County Department of Regional Planning in partnership with LA County Department of Public Works – Building and Safety Division, LA County Fire Department, California Department of Social Services – Community Care Licensing Division, Public Counsel, and First 5 LA. As a collaborative effort, the project has developed activities to support ECE providers with facility development
The OAECE is pleased to announce the launch of the Early Care and Education Birth through Three Facility Development Fee Waiver (ECE Facility Fee Waivers) program. With the support of the Hilton Foundation, OAECE is providing child care facility development fee waivers to help reduce the financial barriers child care providers face when trying to acquire a new facility or renovate an existing child care facility. The ECE Facility Fee Waivers are available to licensed child care providers in unincorporated Los Angeles County and select cities who: 1) serve children ages birth through 3, and 2) plan to construct new facilities or renovate existing facilities. Eligible child care providers who want to renovate and/or do construction at a child care facility must contact the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning (Regional Planning), Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Building & Safety Division (Building & Safety), and California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) to determine if their renovation and/or construction plans require review and approval.
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer ENGLISH
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer ESPAÑOL (Spanish)
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer 한글 (Korean)
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer 中文 (Chinese)
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer Հայերեն (Armenian)
- ECE Facility Fee Waiver Flyer Русский (Russian)
Information about how to navigate the child care facility development process in Los Angeles County can be found in this toolkit: “Child Care for All: How to Develop and Renovate ECE Facilities in Los Angeles County” and can be accessed in different languages below. Please feel free to distribute this opportunity widely among your child care networks.
To learn more about constructing or renovating an ECE facility in Los Angeles County, please find the following contact information for each department:
LA County ECE Facilities Staff Contacts
LA County Department of Regional Planning: Zoe Axelrod: zaxelrod@planning.lacounty.gov
LA County Department of Public Works, Building & Safety: Jovy Estremos: jestremos@dpw.lacounty.gov
LA County Fire Department: Inspector Eddie Martinez: eddie.martinez@fire.lacounty.gov
L.A. County Department of Public Health – Office for the Advancement of Early Care & Education: Elizabeth Jacoby: ejacoby@ph.lacounty.gov
CDSS Community Care Licensing Division: Shoghig Khadarian: shoghig.khadarian@dss.ca.gov
CDSS Community Care Licensing Division Regional Offices:
- Monterey Park/Monterey Park South West Regional Office: (323) 981-3350
- El Segundo/El Segundo North Regional Office: (424) 301-3077
- Palmdale Regional Office: (661) 202-3318
Public Counsel: Ritu Mahajan: rmahajan@publiccounsel.org
OAECE, in partnership with Public Counsel, has released the “Child Care for All: How to Develop and Renovate ECE Facilities in Los Angeles County” toolkit to support ECE providers with navigating the complex process of child care facility development in unincorporated areas of LA County. This interactive toolkit provides a step-by-step process and resources for obtaining approvals to renovate and construct new ECE facilities. Please find the toolkit below available in English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Armenian, and Russian.
- ECE Facilities Development Toolkit ENGLISH
- ECE Facilities Development Toolkit ESPAÑOL (Spanish)
- ECE Facilities Development Toolkit 한글 (Korean)
- ECE Facilities Development Toolkit 中文 (Chinese)
- ECE Facilities Development Toolkit Հայերեն (Armenian)
- ECE Facilities Development Toolkit Русский (Russian)
Toolkit Training
To view a virtual training on how to use the “Child Care for All: How to Develop and Renovate Early Care and Education Facilities in Los Angeles County” Toolkit, please visit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h2fdi9ZMQTg&feature=youtu.be
LA County ECE Facilities Process Webinar
“Date To Be Announced Soon”
The webinar will provide information on LA County’s process to request facilities planning and building & safety permits needed for certain types of child care space renovations. The webinar will include presentations by LA County’s Department of Regional Planning, Department of Public Works’ Building and Safety Division, Fire Department, and CDSS Child Care Licensing Division.
Webinar is for LA County’s process that covers LA County unincorporated areas, however, everyone is welcome to attend
The webinar will require registration, will be recorded, and provided in English and Spanish.
Meeting Materials
- PowerPoint
- Webinar Recording (Passcode: 5K^ApbWs)
Building Capacity
Child Care and Your City: How Cities Can Increase Access to Child Care Toolkit – Child Care and Your City: How Cities Can Increase Access to Child Care” is a best practices and resource toolkit for city staff providing important legal updates and best practices on how cities and planning departments can reduce barriers to developing, renovating, and operating much-needed child care facilities in their communities.
The Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education (OAECE), in collaboration with Public Counsel, has released “Child Care for All: Information for Child Care Providers on Expanding Infant and Toddler Care in Los Angeles County” (Infant and Toddler Expansion Toolkit). The Infant and Toddler Expansion Toolkit has information to assist family child care homes and community-based child care centers to serve more infants and toddlers. This resource includes the following 7 key considerations for serving more infants and toddlers.
- Licensing
- Ratios
- Staff Qualifications
- Equipment
- Changes to Physical Space
- Financial Business Model
- Outreach to Families
Please find the toolkit below available in English, Armenian, Chinese, Korean, Russian and Spanish languages.
Infant and Toddler Expansion Toolkit (English)
Infant and Toddler Expansion Toolkit ՀԱՅԵՐԵՆ (Armenian)
Infant and Toddler Expansion Toolkit 中文 (Chinese)
Infant and Toddler Expansion Toolkit 한국어 (Korean)
Infant and Toddler Expansion Toolkit русский (Russian)
Infant and Toddler Expansion Toolkit Español (Spanish)
Are you interested in serving more infants and toddlers in your early care and education program? Join Public Counsel and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Office for the Advancement of Early Care & Education (OAECE) for this recorded training in English and Spanish on how child care providers can expand infant and toddler care in their program. During this training, we will discuss key considerations related to expanding child care services for infants and toddlers, including:
- Licensing
- Ratios
- Staff Qualifications
- Equipment
- Changes to Physical Space
- Financial Business Model
- Outreach to Families
- Resources
To access the training, please visit:
Spanish Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlBdMZxpcbQ
English Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDgJ2QcXwjU
Stay tuned for the complementary Infant and Toddler Child Care Expansion Toolkit coming Fall 2023!
The OAECE in partnership with Public Counsel presents The Infant and Toddler Expansion Toolkit: Business Training. This training aims to help providers to:
- Estimate income and expenses
- Understand their budget
- Provide budget tools for infant and toddler spaces
- Offer strategies to maximize income
Please click here to view the training.
ECE-BT3 professional development resources are for early care and education providers who want to strengthen their practice in caring for infants and toddlers. Below providers can find professional development trainings and resources specifically for the infant and toddler child care workforce.
Free Training: WestEd’s “Beginning Together: Inclusive Strategies for Infants and Toddlers”
Join us on January 25, 2025 for “Beginning Together: Inclusive Strategies for Infants and Toddlers,” presented by WestEd. This session will provide tools and insights to support inclusive early childhood education environments.
Training Highlights:
- Explore the benefits of inclusion for all children and educators.
- Learn about classroom adaptations and modifications to support learning for all children.
- Develop strategies on how to talk to family members when there are concerns about a child’s development.
- Become familiar with the laws and regulations that provide protections for children with disabilities.
- Gain resources for teachers and families related to disability and inclusion.
Event Details:
- Training Is Open To:Family child care providers, family, friend, and neighbor child care providers, child care center staff, and infant/toddler program administrators.
- Date:Saturday, January 25, 2025
- Time:9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Location:340 E. 2nd Street, Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90012 (Woodcraft Rangers Offices)
- Cost:Free
- Languages Offered:English and Spanish
- Additional Info:Lunch will be provided, and participants will receive certificates upon completing the training.
Space is limited, so reserve your spot today: REGISTER HERE
If you have any questions or need accommodations, please contact Elsa Leal at eleal@laep.org.
For more information about OAECE’s ECE-BT3 strategy, visit www.childcare.lacounty.gov/ece_bt3.
Capacitación Gratis de WestEd: “Comenzando Juntos: Estrategias Inclusivas para Bebés y Niños Pequeños”
Nos complace invitarlo a una próxima capacitación presencial, “Comenzando Juntos: Estrategias Inclusivas para Bebés y Niños Pequeños”, presentada por WestEd. Esta sesión proporcionará herramientas y conocimientos para apoyar entornos inclusivos de educación en la primera infancia.
Aspectos destacados de la formación:
- Explore los beneficios de la inclusión para todos los niños y educadores.
- Aprenda sobre las adaptaciones y modificaciones en el aula para apoyar el aprendizaje de todos los niños.
- Desarrolle estrategias sobre cómo hablar con los miembros de la familia cuando haya preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo de un niño.
- Familiarícese con las leyes y regulaciones que brindan protección a los niños con discapacidades.
- Obtener recursos para maestros y familias relacionados con la discapacidad y la inclusión.
Detalles del evento:
- La capacitación está abierta a:proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar, proveedores de cuidado en el hogar de familiares, amigos y vecinos, personal del centro de cuidado infantil y administradores de programas para bebés y niños pequeños.
- Fecha: Sábado 25 de enero de 2025
- Hora:9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Ubicación:340 E. 2nd Street, Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90012 (Oficinas de Woodcraft Rangers)
- Costo:Gratis
- Idiomas ofrecidos: inglés y español
- Información adicional:Se proporcionará almuerzo y los participantes recibirán certificados al completar la capacitación.
El espacio es limitado, así que reserve su lugar hoy: REGÍSTRATE AQUÍ
Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita adaptaciones, comuníquese con Elsa Leal al eleal@laep.org.
Para obtener más información sobre la estrategia ECE-BT3 de OAECE, visite www.childcare.lacounty.gov/ece_bt3.
¡Esperamos verlo y trabajar juntos para construir entornos de aprendizaje más inclusivos para bebés y niños pequeños!
Beginning Together Training Flyer
Infant and Toddler Professional Development Catalog
The OAECE, in partnership with the Los Angeles Education Partnership and made possible through the support of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, presents Caring for Los Angeles County’s Youngest Learners: Infant and Toddler Professional Development Catalog (Catalog). This Catalog addresses the urgent need to enhance the skills and support the growth of LA County’s infant and toddler child care workforce by providing valuable professional development resources. The Catalog is organized into four categories:
· Non-Accredited Training: Organizations that offer professional development hours for permits or continuing education units
· Accredited Training: Community colleges and universities that offer educational units that can be applied to specialization certificates and professional degrees
· LA County Resource and (R&R) Agencies: R&Rs agencies provide a variety of professional development and incentive services for current and emergent ECE providers
· Other Resources: Provides additional resources information to support providers in gaining more professional development, locating incentives, and learning about licensing
The Catalog is available in English (see below) and will soon be available in Armenian, Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.
Los Angeles County Infant/ Toddler Early Care and Education System Blueprint
On September 12, 2023, the LA County Board of Supervisors approved motion that directs the Department of Public Health – Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education (OAECE) to develop a blueprint to fortify the LA County Infant/Toddler Care System. The OAECE conducted an extensive input process to inform the development of the Los Angeles County Infant/Toddler Early Care and Education System Blueprint (Blueprint) recommendations. The OAECE is excited to share that the Blueprint was submitted to the Board of Supervisors on March 1, 2024.
To read the complete Blueprint, please click HERE.
To access a user-friendly handout summarizing the blueprint’s recommendations, please click HERE.
Next Steps for the Blueprint:
The Blueprint is intended to, at minimum, be tool to inform Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, ECE advocates and programs, provide recommendations for elected officials during legislation session, and a guide for philanthropy to inform investment strategies. The Blueprint will also serve as a foundational document for developing the next Los Angeles County Unified Early Care and Education Strategic Plan 2025-2030.
The OAECE looks forward to partnering with the ECE community and other stakeholders to build a stronger ECE system for Los Angeles County’s children and their families.
For questions or more information regarding the Blueprint, please contact Leanne Drogin, OAECE Deputy Director at Ldrogin@ph.lacounty.gov