Early Care & Education


The Child Care Planning Committee (Planning Committee) serves as Los Angeles County’s state mandated Local Child Care and Development Planning Council (LPC) funded by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). The Planning Committee conducts county-wide needs assessments comparing the supply with the demand for early care and education services and engages in planning to address access to quality, affordable early care and education for all children and their families.

The Child Care Planning Committee shares a unified vision and mission statement with the Policy Roundtable for Child and Development and the Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education ~


Children are healthy, thriving and have equitable opportunities to achieve optimal development and succeed in life.


Lead, build and strengthen an affordable and high-quality early care and education system for the children and families of Los Angeles County.

The 2023-2024 Los Angeles County Child Care Planning Committee

Fiscal Year 2024-25 Membership Roster 

The Child Care Planning Committee is comprised of 50 members representing parents/consumers, early educators, community organizations, public agencies, child care resource and referral agencies, institutions of higher education, and Board of Supervisor appointees.

Membership Manual

Planning Committee New Member Orientation PowerPoint

For more information contact Zenaida Meza at: or 213-639-6238

Planning Committee meets on the following dates and times at various sites throughout the County. The public is welcome to attend the Planning Committee meetings.

Meeting Schedule -If you have any questions about the meeting dates, times, or locations please contact Erica Weiss by e-mail at or by telephone at (213) 639-6202.

Meeting agendas are posted at least 72 hours prior to each monthly meeting. Approved minutes and supporting materials from the previous month are generally posted within one week following the meeting.


Meeting Materials – FY 2024-25

Meeting Materials – FY 2023-24

The Child Care Planning Committee is funded by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to conduct, as conditions of its contract, activities that contribute to the overall infrastructure of early care and education services provided to children and their families in Los Angeles County with a particular focus of programs offering subsidized child care and development services with state funds.

Needs Assessment

Every five years, the Planning Committee conducts a countywide needs assessment on the availability of early care and education throughout Los Angeles County.

Strategic Plan

Every five years, the Child Care Planning Committee is responsible for developing a comprehensive countywide plan for early care and education.

County of Los Angeles – A Unified Strategic Plan for Early Care and Education 2020-2025

Child Care by the Numbers: LPC Local Funding Priorities

Child Care by the Numbers is an annual report that explores the number of LA County children eligible for subsidized early care and education services, compared to the number of children enrolled in subsidized early care and education programs.  A child is eligible for subsidized care if their family meets low-income program guidelines. This report, also known as the Local Funding Priorities, provides a comparative analysis between the count of children who meet the income criteria for subsidized care and the count of those who are actively participating in a subsidized care program within each specific zip code of Los Angeles County. The data calculates the utilization of subsidized child care within distinct geographic regions and age brackets. It is important to acknowledge that the data possesses inherent limitations in terms of the scope of information it encompasses. For more details, please see the report overview.

LPC Local Funding Priorities – FY 2022-23 (No changes to report during Fiscal Year 2023-24.)

LPC Local Funding Priorities Setting Process for State Child Care Power Point 

Voluntary, Temporary Transfer of Funds (VTTF)

The Child Care Planning Committee is charged with coordinating the process for the Voluntary, Temporary Transfer of Funds (VTTF) between California Department of Education-contracted child care and development programs that may be under- or over-earning their contracts. Deadlines to submit a VTTF request form to the Child Care Planning Coordinator are October 25th for the November 1-15 CDE deadline; and April 14th for the May 1-15 CDE deadline. The dates may be adjusted annually.

Select a file below to download:

Request to Change Service Area Priorities

County local child care and development planning councils (in Los Angeles County, the Child Care Planning Committee) are charged with considering requests from the California Department of Education (CDE)-contracted programs to change services in relation to location of services (zip codes) and ages of children served. Following are the guidelines for processing change requests and the form for making the request.

Select a file below to download:

Ad hoc Groups

The Child Care Planning Committee accomplishes much of its work through group work, forums, and Ad hoc groups.  The Ad hoc groups are established by the Planning Committee by a committee vote during the first meeting of the fiscal year.  The Ad hoc groups are comprised of Planning Committee members and alternates who present the work to the Planning Committee.  The Planning Committee is a public meeting and the information will be accessible to the public throughout the year. To learn more about the Ad hoc groups their purpose and goals, please see the information below. If you have any questions regarding the Ad hoc groups please contact the Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education at (213) 639-6202.

Child Care Planning Ad hoc 2024-2025

  • Family Access– Assess families’ early care and education (ECE) needs and preferences, barriers to access, and utilization rates of early care and education services.
  • Governance – Oversees the Planning Committee governance and reporting processes and review proposed changes to the Planning Committee Member Policies and Procedures Manual.
  • Special Needs and Inclusion – Promotes the inclusion of children at risk for disabilities or with special needs in early care and education environments that are the least restrictive.
  • UPK Workforce – Supports planning for the early care and education workforce serving
    preschool children, ensuring alignment with Universal PreKindergarten (UPK).
What is Universal PreKindergarten?

Pursuant to California Education Code 8320, there is a mandate for the expansion of preschool programs to achieve universal accessibility for all three- and four-year-old children across the state through a mixed-delivery system. This umbrella term for all California early care and education programs that serve three- and four-year-old children is called Universal prekindergarten (UPK). UPK can serve as a bridge between early childhood and TK-12 systems to increase students’ readiness for school and schools’ readiness for students so that all children thrive in school and in life.

What is the Role of the Child Care Planning Committee in Universal PreKindergarten?

The California Department of Education has directed the Local Child Care and Development Planning Councils, also known as the Child Care Planning Committee (Planning Committee) in Los Angeles County, to implement the Universal PreKindergarten Mixed Delivery Planning Grant (UPKMDPG). The primary goal of the grant is to fortify partnerships and lead a community-level engagement process aimed at coordinating and developing an efficient and effective preschool mixed-delivery system in Los Angeles County.  In this role, the Planning Committee will collaborate with the Los Angeles County Office of Education, local education agencies, family child care homes, center-based child care providers, resource and referral agencies, and parents. Locally, these efforts will be referred to as the Universal PreKindergarten Los Angeles (UPKLA).  The goals of this efforts are:

  • Goal 1: Increase parent’s knowledge about early care and education choices
  • Goal 2: Strengthen partnerships between local education agencies (school districts) and the early care and education mixed delivery system
  • Goal 3: Enhance partnerships to support children with special needs
  • Goal 4: Increase supports for the early care and education workforce

The Planning Committee accomplishes much of its work through group work, forums, and Ad hoc groups.  Some of the UPKLA efforts will be actualized by the Planning Committee Ad hoc’s. Please visit the Ad hoc tab to see how their work is aligned with UPKLA.

What is Transitional Kindergarten?

2021 California legislation requires any local educational agency operating a Kindergarten to also provide a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program for all 4-year-old children. TK is the first year of a two-year kindergarten program.

What is the Difference between Transitional Kindergarten and Universal PreKindergarten?

UPK brings together Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and all existing state preschools and federal early education (including California State Preschools [CSPP] and Head Start), private child care, and expanded learning opportunities, including before and after school programs into the same system.  TK is one program that is a part of UPK.

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